
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Chicken Satay-ish

Probably one of the awesomest things about living in an apartment this year (besides my WONDERFUL roommates) is that I can constantly make food and have people over. Today, I did both (sort of)--so much fun! My friend J came over early this afternoon, and helped me make the rice and adjust the ingredients for the sauce, since I know absolutely nothing about cooking with curry and he is apparently familiar with Thai cuisine. R (one of my roommates) set the table, L (another roommate) dropped by, and we had a lovely time eating dinner!

    Main ingredients:
  • 5 chicken breasts, cut into bite-sized chunks
  • 2 cups long-grain rice + 4 cups water (in rice cooker)
  • Extra-virgin olive oil for skillet

  • 5 gigantic spoonfuls of apple sauce
  • 3 gigantic spoonfuls of chunky peanut butter
  • 1 spoonful curry
  • 1/2 spoonful chili powder
    (Microwave until the ingredients mix together smoothly, or ~3 minutes.)

Cook chicken in skillet. Add sauce and push around until well mixed. Serve on rice, with additional curry and chili sprinkled on top if desired. Absolutely delicious, and SO filling.

I will definitely have to try more "different" recipes. It's easy to shy away from the odd ones, since they're a bit intimidating, but this shows that they can be very WIN!

Recipe ripped off from Thanks to my awesome mother for finding it for me!